التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

1. muhammad (peace be upon him) as a trustworthy (and honest).

1. muhammad (peace be upon him) as a trustworthy (and honest).

from muhammad's sayings:
-     abu huraira (may allah be pleased with him) reported: the messenger of allah (pbuh) said: "the signs of a hypocrite are three: 1. whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. 2. whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise). 3. if you trust him, he proves to be dishonest. (if you keep something as a trust with him, he will not return it.)"agreed upon.
-     abu huraira (may allah be pleased with him) reported : allah's messenger (pbuh) said: "the claimants would get their claims on the day of resurrection so much so that the hornless sheep would get its claim from the horned sheep." narrated by muslim.
-     umar ibn al-khattab (may allah be pleased with him) reported: when it was the day of khaibar a party of companions of the prophet (pbuh) came there and said: so and so is a martyr, till they happened to pass by a man and said: so and so is a martyr. upon this the messenger of allah (pbuh) remarked: (nay, not so verily i have seen him in the fire for the garment or cloak that he had stolen from the booty)) .narrated by muslim.

from muhammad's life:
-    abu huraira (may allah be pleased with him) reported: the messenger of allah (pbuh) said: "whoever carries arms against us, is not from us; and whoever cheats us, is not from us" narrated by muslim. and, in another narration of abu huraira: the messenger of allah (pbuh) passed by a food container, entered his hand in it and his fingers found it wet, then he (the messenger) said: "what is this, o the owner of the food?" he (the man) said: it is from the sky (rain) came to it, o messenger of allah, he (the messenger) said: "don’t you make it above the food so people can see it! whoever cheats us, is not from us)).

2. muhammad (peace be upon him) as a truthful person.

from muhammad's sayings:
-     abdullah bin amr bin al 'aas (may allah be pleased with them both) reported: the messenger of allah (pbuh) said: "four (characteristics) whoever has them will be a pure hypocrite, and whoever has one of them will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless he gives it up: whenever he is entrusted, he betrays; whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous; whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting, unjust manner." agreed upon.
-    'abdullah bin mas'ud (may allah be pleased with him) reported: the prophet (pbuh) said: "truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to paradise. and a man keeps on telling the truth till he is written before allah, a truthful person. falsehood leads to al-fajur (i.e. wickedness, evil-doing), and al-fajur (wickedness) leads to the (hell) fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before allah, a liar." agreed upon.

from muhammad 's life:
-     abu sufyan bin harb (may allah be pleased with him) reported in his long speech in the story of heraclius, heraclius said: what does he order you to do (means the prophet – peace be upon him)? abu sufyan said: ((he tells us to worship allah and allah alone and not to worship anything along with him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. he orders us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste and to keep good relations with our kith and kin)) agreed upon.

muhammad (pbuh) the speaker

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          abu-huraira, may allah be pleased with him, reported that the prophet peace be upon him said: “and the good word is a sadaqa (considered as a charitable donation)”. agreed upon by the scholars.
-          iben-omar (omar’s son), may allah be pleased with them both, reported that the messenger of allah pbuh said: “if they were three then no two are to hold secret counsel excluding the third person”. agreed upon by the scholars.
-          this was also narrated by abu-dawoud with the addition of: abu-saleh said: “i said to iben-omar: what if they were four? he answered: then this will not harm you.
-          and narrated by malek, in the book of al-mawtaa, reported by abdullah bin-dinar who said: “ iben-omar and i were at the house of khaled bin-oqbah which was in the market, when a man came and wanted to speak alone with him and no one was with iben-omar but me. iben-omar called a third man so we became four and told us (the new person and i): "walk further behind, because i heard the messenger of allah pbuh saying: “no two are to hold secret counsel excluding the third person”".

from muhammad’s life:
-          anas, may allah be pleased with him, reported that the prophet pbuh used to repeat a word three times so it would be understood from him, and if he came upon some people and greeted them, he would greet them three times. narrated by al-bukhari.

4-muhammad (pbuh) the wise patient man:

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          iben-abbas (abbas’s son), may allah be pleased with them both, reported : the messenger of allah pbuh told ashaj abdulqais: “you have two characteristics that allah loves: the patience (endurance) and the tolerance”.narrated by muslim.

from muhammad’s life:
-          anas, may allah be pleased with him, reported: i was walking with the messenger of allah pbuh and he had a thick najrani garment, when a bedouin approached him and pulled him from his collar very hard, i saw the prophet’s neck and saw that the garment had bruised it from the harsh pull. then the bedouin said: ay muhammad order me some of allah’s money that you have. the prophet turned towards him and laughed then ordered him an endowment.agreed upon by the scholars.

5-muhammad (peace be upon him) the companion:

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          aisha, may allah be pleased with her,reported that the prophet pbuh said: “allah is kind and loves kindness in everything”. agreed upon by the scholars.
-          and she also reported that allah’s messenger pbuh said: “allah is kind and loves kindness; he gives on kindness what he doesn’t give on violence and what he doesn’t give on anything else”. narrated by muslim.

from muhammad’s life:
-          abu-huraira may allah be pleased with him, reported that: “a bedouin urinated in the mosque, so a group of people went towards him to stop him roughly when the prophet pbuh told them: “let him and pour over his urine a bucket of water, because you were sent as facilitators not as complicators”.narrated by al-bukhari.

 6-muhammad (peace be upon him) the modest:

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          ayyadh bin-himar, may allah be pleased with him, reported that the prophet pbuh said: “allah informed me that you should be modest so no one would be proud against each other and should not mistreat each others”. narrated by muslim.

from muhammad’s life:
-          reported by al-aswad bin-yazeed that aysha, may allah be pleased with her was asked: what does the prophet pbuh used to do at home? she said: he used to be serving his family, and when the prayer time arrives he used to go out (to the mosque) for prayer. narrated by al-bukhari.

7-muhammad peace be upon him kind to everyone around him even to animals

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          reported by iben-omar, may allah be pleased with him, that he passed by youngsters from quraish, who had tied up a bird and were throwing arrows at it, they had promised the bird’s owner to give him any arrows that missed the bird. but when they saw iben-omar approaching they ran away. iben-omar asked: who did this! allah damns who did this! the messenger of allah pbuh damns who uses anything with a soul as an aiming target. agreed upon by the scholars

from muhammad’s life:
-          reported by iben-masoud, may allah be pleased with him,: we were with the messenger of allah pbuh traveling when he went to relief himself, we saw a bird with two chicks, so we took them. the bird started trembling and the prophet pbuh came and asked: “who grieved this bird with its children? return its children to it”. he also saw an ant village that we’ve burnt and asked: “who burnt this?” we replied that it was us, he then said: “no one should torture with fire but the god who created fire”. narrated by abu-dawoud with a good line of narrators.

8-muhammad peace be upon him the merciful man:

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          reported by abu-kutada al harith, may allah be pleased with him, that the prophet pbuh said: “when i get up for prayer i want to take my time in it, but when i hear a child crying i hurry up in my prayer in the fear of disturbing his mother (who is praying behind me)”. narrated by buckhari 

from muhammad’s life:
-          abu-sulaiman malek bin al-huwaireeth, may allah be pleased with him, reported: we visited the messenger of allah pbuh when we were kindred young men, and we stayed with him for 20 nights. the messenger of allah pbuh was merciful and kind, and he thought that we missed our families so he asked us about our families and whom we left behind from them. each of us answered, then he said: “go back to your families and stay with them and teach them(the religion), order them to apply all the teachings of islam and to pray each prayer in its time. the prophet then added, "pray as you have seen me praying and when it is the time for the prayer, one of you should make the prayer announcement (athan) and the eldest of you should lead the prayer.agreed upon by the scholars

 9-muhammad ( peace be upon him) the ascetic:

from muhammad’s sayings:
-          the messenger of allah pbuh said: “the dead is followed by three: his family, his money and his deeds; two would return and one would stay: his family and money would return, and his deeds would stay”.
-          al-mustowred bin-shaddad, may allah be pleased with him, reported that the messenger of allah pbuh said: “this life is in the  life after the same compared with  what you get out of the sea  when you put your finger in it, see how much remains!”. narrated by muslim.
-          abu-abbas sahal bin-saad al-sa’edi, may allah be pleased with him, narrated that a man came to the prophet pbuh and said: ay messenger of allah lead  me to do something to gain allah's love  and the people's too. he said: “renounce worldly pleasure and allah would love you, and renounce people's properties and they would love you”. a good saying narrated by iben-majah and others with good backgrounds.

from muhammad’s life:
-          al-nu’man bin-basheer, may allah be pleased with them both, reported that omar bin-al-khattab, may allah be pleased with him, mentioned when talking about the life of the people in this world: "i’ve seen the messenger of allah pbuh would stay a whole day suffering from hunger and would not find even the worst of dates to fill his stomach. narrated by muslim.
-          reported by amr bin-al-hareth the brother of juwairiya bint-al-harith, the mother of momineen (wife of the messenger pbuh), may allah be pleased with them both, said: the messenger of allah pbuh did not leave, when he died, a dinar, nor a dirham (money currencies) nor a slave male or female, not a thing, except his white mule which he used to ride, and his weapon and a land that he left as a charity for the travelers in need. narrated by al-bukhari.
-          abdullah bin-al-shikh’air, may allah be pleased with him, reported: i approached the prophet pbuh while he was reciting from the quran: {the mutual rivalry (for piling up worldly things) diverts you} when he said: “the son of adam would say: my money my money! and what would you get oh son of adam from your money but what you have eaten and ended, or wore and worn, or given as charity and be with it?!”. narrated by muslim.
-          reported by aisha, may allah be pleased with her,: the family of mohammed pbuh never felt filled (had enough) from the bread of wheat two consecutive days until he died. agreed upon by the scholars.
-          and in another narration:  the family of mohammed pbuh never had enough from the food of wheat for three consecutive nights since they arrived to al-madeena until he died.
-          reported by urwa, that aisha, may allah be pleased with her, used to say: oh my nephew (my sister’s son), by allah, we used to watch the crescent moon pass to the next crescent moon to the next: three crescent moons in two months and not a fire would be started in any of the messenger of allah’s, pbuh, houses. i asked her: oh aunt, so how did you live? she answered: by the two blacks: the dates and the water, but the messenger of allah, pbuh, used to have neighbors from al-ansar (the citizens of al-madinah who helped and gave aid to the immigrates) who used to have a cattle and sent the prophet (pbuh) from its milk and he sent it to us to drink. agreed upon by the scholars.

10-muhammad (pbuh) bedding farewell :

from muhammad's sayings: 
umar ibn al-khattab narrated:
"i sought permission of the prophet (peace_be_upon_him) to perform umrah. he gave me permission and said:"my younger brother, do not forget me in your supplication. "
he (umar) said: he told me a word that pleased me so much so that i would not have been pleased if i were given the whole world."

in another narration he (the prophet)said: "my younger brother, share me in your supplication."

from muhammad's life:
abu-sulaiman malek bin al-huwaireeth, may allah be pleased with him, reported: we visited the messenger of allah pbuh when we were kindred young men, and we stayed with him for 20 nights. the messenger of allah pbuh was merciful and kind and he thought that we missed our families so he asked us about our families and whom we left behind from them. each of us answered, then he said: “go back to your families and stay with them and teach them (the religion), order them to apply all the teachings of islam and to pray each prayer in its time. the prophet then added, "pray as you have seen me praying and when it is the time for the prayer, one of you should make the prayer announcement (athan) and the eldest of you should lead the prayer.agreed upon by the scholars

 11-muhammad(pbuh) the grateful :

from muhammad's sayings: 
osama ibn zaid (may allah bless both of them) narrated: "the prophet said: "if someone makes you a favor and you said to him "may allah reward you handsomely.", you praised him very well"

from muhammad's life:
sa'd ibn abuwaqqas (may allah bless him) reported:
"we went out with the prophet (peace be upon him) from mecca towards medina. when we were near azwra', he got down his camel then raised his hands, and made supplication to allah for a time, then he prostrated to allah for a long time. this he did three times.
he then said :" i begged allah for intercession to all my followers, he gave me a third of them, so i prostrated thankful to allah. then i raised my head and begged him again for intercession to all my followers, and he gave me another third of them, so i prostrated thankful to allah. then i raised my head and begged for intercession to all my followers again and he gave me the remaining third, so i prostrated to thank allah for all that."

12-muhammad (pbuh) being justice:

from muhammad's sayings: 
 'abdullah b. 'umar (may allah be pleased with him) reported, that the prophet (pbuh) said:" behold! the dispensers of justice will be seated on the pulpits of light beside god :( the dispensers of justice are) those who are justice in their rules, regarding their families and every single detail in their life."

jabir b. abdullah (may allah be pleased with him) reported that allah's messenger (peace be upon him) said: "beware oppression, because it turns into darkness on the day of resurrection, and beware penny-pinching because  it destroyed those who lived before you, as it incited them to shed blood and commit incest."

from the life of muhammad(pbuh):
an-nu'man bin bashir (may allah be pleased with him) reported:
that his father took him to the prophet and said, "i have given my son a slave." the prophet asked, "have you given all your sons the same like you did with him?" he replied: "no". the prophet said, "take back your gift then."


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إرسال تعليق

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

معاني الاشارت التحذيرية علي الطريق ( اشارات المرور ) - ( اللوحات المرورية )

اولاً: الغرض من الإشارات التحذيرية: تستخدم الإشارات التحذيرية لتنبيه وتحذير السائق وكافة مستخدمي الطريف في أخطار أو أوضاع خطرة قائمة أو محتملة على الطريق أو الشارع أو بجوارهما وذلك حتى لا يفاجأ بالخطر ويؤثر سلباً على تصرفه. وتطالب الإشارات التحذيرية بأخذ الحيطة والحذر من قبل السائق من أجل سلامته وسلامة من معه وكافة مستخدمي الطريق. ثانياً: شكل وألوان الإشارات التحذيرية: بوجه عام تكون جميع الإشارات التحذيرية ذات شكل مثلث . وتكون الأرضية (خلفية الإشارة) باللون الأبيض والرموز أو الرسوم باللون الأسود على وجه الإشارة وإطار باللون الأحمر. منعطف حاد لليمين منعطف حاد لليسار منعطف لليمين منعطف لليسار طريق متعرج لليمين طريق متعرج لليسار منعطفات خطرة من اليمين لليسار منعطفات خطرة من اليسار لليمين الطريق يضيق من اليمين الطريق يضيق من الجانبين صعود نزول مطب طريق غير مستوي الطريق يتجه لنهاية حافة رصيف بحري أو نهري الطريق يضيق من اليسار صخور متساقطة حصى متناثرة طريق زلق منخفض معبر جمال معبر دراجات معبر أطفال معبر مشاة طيران منخفض إشارات ضوئية إشارات ضوئية معبر حيوانات تقاطع طريق تقاطع طرق طريق ...

معلومات عن الهكر وكيف يتم الاختراق وطرق الوقاية

معلومات عن الهكر وكيف يتم الاختراق وطرق الوقاية أنواع الاختراق: ( 1 ) اختراق المزودات أو الأجهزة الرئيسية للشركات والمؤسسات أو الجهات الحكومية وذلك باختراق الجدران النارية التي عادة توضع لحمايتها وغالبا ما يتم ذلك باستخدام المحاكاة Spoofing وهو مصطلح يطلق على عملية انتحال شخصية للدخول إلي النظام حيث أن حزم الـ IP تحتوي على عناوين للمرسل والمرسل إليه وهذه العناوين ينظر إليها على أنها عناوين مقبولة وسارية المفعول من قبل البرامج وأجهزة الشبكة. ومن خلال طريقة تعرف بمسارات المصدر Source Routing فإن حزم الـ IP قد تم إعطائها شكلا تبدو معه وكأنها قادمة من كمبيوتر معين بينما هي في حقيقة الأمر ليست قادمة منه وعلى ذلك فإن النظام إذا وثق بهوية عنوان مصدر الحزمة فإنه يكون بذلك قد خدع وهذه الطريقة هي ذاتها التي نجح بها مخترقي الهوت ميل في الدخول إلى معلومات النظام. ( 2 ) اختراق الأجهزة الشخصية والعبث بما تحويه من معلومات وهي طريقة للأسف شائعة لسذاجة أصحاب الأجهزة الشخصية من جانب ولسهولة تعلم برامج الاختراقات وتعددها من جانب أخر. ( 3 ) التعرض للبيانات أثناء انتقالها والتع...

رحلة سمك السلمون العجيبة

يبدو أن الإنسان لا يزال أمامه الكثير حتى يفهم ظاهرة البيئة التي تحيط به ، كما يبدو أن الإنسان – وإن كان هو المخلوق الوحيد الذي يعقل – ليس هو الوحيد الذي يرحل أو يضحي ... الخ ، فلئن كان البشر يشكلون أمة ، فكذلك تشكل المخلوقات الأخرى أمم لها خصائصها وطرائقها ، يقول عز وجل "وما من دابة في الأرض ولا طائر يطير بجناحية إلا أمم أمثالكم ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شيء ثم إلى ربهم يحشرون" (الأنعام:38) . ومن هنا نبدأ.بسواحل النصف الشمالي للكرة الأرضية ، ففي تلك البلاد ، وفي ظلام العصور السحيقة ، عرف الإنسان الأول أسماك السالمون ، فبدأ بناء الحضارات والثقافات ، وفي اللغات القديمة ، أفردت لأسماك السالمون مظاهر الاحترام والترحيب ، وقد وصلت هذه المظاهر إلى حد أن الموت كان عقوبة من يلقي الفضلات والقاذورات في الأنهار ، حيث تقضي أسماك السالمون السنين الأولى من حياتها . ويقوم سمك السالمون برحلة أو هجرة عجيبة خلال دورة حياته ، والتي تعد لغزا لم يقطع العلماء فيه بإجابة محددة حتى الآن . وتولد أسماك السالمون في الأنهار ، لكنها لا تلبث أن تهجر هذه الأنهار - فتأخذ طريها إلى البحر المتسع (المياه المال...